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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


Nicole's Bling Box

is an online boutique that has an eye for incredible paparazzi jewelry of what is in fashion, current trends, and fashion fix. We are a dynamic company in fashion jewelry with more than 5years' experience in helping our customers express themselves in the best way they know-how through paparazzi accessories. 

We are a dedicated fashion company offering fashion jewelry products such as earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, diamond studs, stylish watches, and so on. At Nicole's Bling Box, we are committed to improving our products daily to luxury jewelry.

Our Core Values

• Innovation

We pride ourselves in coming up with stylish new designs of the accessories and all fashion items to develop products that stand out in the market.

• Quality
As much as our products are paparazzi accessories and paparazzi jewelry, we pride ourselves in ensuring we achieve high-quality production to give our clients value for their money.

• Pricing
Our prices are pocket friendly; at Nicole’s Bling Box, we strive to achieve a blend between quality and costs to give our customers the best quality at the best possible price.

• Customer Satisfaction
Our mantra is that 'the client is always right,' we value our success in terms of our customer satisfaction. When our customers are satisfied, then we have achieved our goals.